In July, Briarpatch announced that in January 2024 we would be publishing a special issue on Black radicalism. Now, as we build the storyboard for the issue, we need to find art and photos to accompany the amazing writing in the issue.
We're accepting pitches from Black artists who would like to be featured in the Black radicalism issue. We're mainly looking for Black illustrators, graphic designers, and photographers who want to create original artwork to accompany articles in the Black Radicalism issue. But we also welcome other mediums and existing work.
Please send an email to pitch[at]briarpatchmagazine.com by November 10, 2020, with the subject line "Black Radicalism Artwork." In your email you should include a link to your portfolio (Instagram is fine), or attach at least two different samples of your work. We're looking exclusively for Black artists.
Our standard rates of pay are $150 for feature artwork; $100 for feature photographs; $50 for spot artwork/photographs; and $300 for cover artwork/photographs. We’re working to secure additional funding for artwork this issue, in which case we’ll raise our rates of pay.